Pollo al curry con pinoli e uvetta

Amanti dell’agrodolce, questa ricetta è per voi!Ecco in arrivo un altro secondo tanto sfizioso quanto veloce da preparare!

La canzone che ho scelto oggi è la versione live di Alloway grove di Paolo Nutini…Nonostante il fenomeno scozzese sia, come in quasi tutti i suoi concerti, completamente ubriaco, in questa performance per me è straordinario!Il testo lo trovate qui 😉






  • petto di pollo
  • curry
  • latte di cocco
  • pinoli
  • uvetta
  • riso basmati


20150102_205140Dopo aver infarinato i bocconcini di pollo, cuocerli a fuoco lento in una padella antiaderente con un filo d’olio.


20150102_210008Durante la cottura insaporire i bocconcini con sale, curry e latte di cocco (dosare quest’ultimo ingrediente a piacimento, in base alla cremosità desiderata).


Completare la ricetta aggiungendo una manciata di pinoli e di uvetta.


A parte, vi suggerisco di lessare del riso basmati, per accompagnare i nostri bocconcini;)


Ed ora mangiate e sorridete!


Alloway grove – Paolo Nutini

Paolo-Nutini1Buon Ascolto!

Coming home again
To see a girl thats prettier than a diamond shining in the sun
Oh what fun!
I wonder if she’s been naked in her room since I’ve been gone
I wonder if she’s said to them as she said to me before

However much you use me baby, come on use me more
However much you use me baby, come on use me more

Getting off the train
To see a girl thats sweeter than an apple picked from Adam’s tree
Oh glory be!
And I wonder if she’s been pressed against an unfamiliar wall
And said to all those men as she said to me before

However much you want me, I swear I’ll make you want me more
However much you want me, I swear I’ll make you want me more and more and more and more

La-la-la, la la la la

Arriving at the door
Just to be told that the girl I’m missing has been in London for a while
No more northern skies for her
They say she’s left a letter up the stair for everyone
It’s pinned against her bedroom door for all the world to see and she says

However much I love you, you will always love me more
However much I love you, you will always love me more
And I guess it’s true
However much she loves me I will always love her more

La-la-la la la la la

I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more
I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more
I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more
I’ll love you more and more, I’ll love you more and more and more…
