Radicchio e patate profumati al rosmarino

Ecco un contorno appetitoso e sostanzioso che abbina il gusto pieno e dolce delle patate con quello amarognolo del radicchio! Le note R&B che accompagnano questo piatto, mi sono state suggerite dalla mia amata cuginetta Ale, che da vera intenditrice mi ha fatto riscoprire la voce avvolgente di Cody ChesnuTT, noto a tutti per la sua collaborazione del 2003 con The Roots nel singolo The seed 2.0 😉  Il suo genere è definito neo soul o nu soul, la sua musica è infatti una fusione fra R&B contemporaneo e soul degli anni 60. Il singolo suggerito dalla cugi è Til I Met Thee, già al primo ascolto per me è stato Ammmore! Grazie Ale, sicuramente ascolterò tutto l’album Landing on a Hundred da cui è tratto questo brano!Se volete leggere il testo cliccate qui!


3 patate

2 ceppi di radicchio trevigiano

rosmarino qb

sale qb

olio evo qb


IMG_1016Una volta sbucciate e lavate, tagliare le patate a rondelle sottili, poi distribuirle su una teglia e condirle con sale, abbondante olio e rosmarino.

Infornare le patate a 200° per 20-30 minuti, girandole ogni tanto con un mestolo di legno per facilitarne la cottura. Nel frattempo, lavare e tagliare i due ceppi di radicchio e disporli in modo omogeneo sopra le patate.IMG_1018

Aggiungere il sale, l’olio e continuare a cuocere il tutto in forno per altri 20 minuti circa a 180°. Consiglio di monitorare la cottura, mescolando di tanto in tanto e di non spegnere il forno finché le patate non risultino dorate e croccanti.

Ed ora mangiate e sorridete!





Cody ChesnuTT – Til I Met Thee


Tu tu tu tu
Tu tu tu tu
Yea, honey
Tu tu tu tu
Tu tu tu tu

I was a dead man, I was asleep
I was a stranger in a foreign land til I met thee

First verse
I took a stroll doing a country road babe
And now I, I looked around you
In search of my love baby
I found what I needed, nothing more
Just what I needed
The pure heart of a baby and now I think to fall in those

I was a dead man, I was a dead man
I was asleep
Knocked out, knocked out for a minute
I was a stranger in, in a foreign land
Oh oh til I met thee Lord
And I wanna say it again, say say

I was a dead man (dead man, dead man)
I was asleep
Lord knows I was, I was a stranger in, in a foreign land
Oh oh til I met thee

Second verse
I felt the call when I was moved for the perfect role, that jade
And our eyes burning down
Who wouldn’t help me, Lord I
I did not know, Lord I
I felt your heal and all on me, Lord I
Felt your healing
And now on full that was with me
I never approached to the shore
Oh well,

I was a dead, dead, I was a dead man
I was asleep, I was a, God knows
I was a stranger in a foreign land
Said I was a stranger in a foreign land
Said I was walking in darkness with no sense of direction
Kidding me to wait for me to see all of my affections
Said I was a stranger in a danger
Stranger in a foreign land
Stranger in a foreign land
Stranger in a foreign land
(darkness, no sense of direction)
Stranger, walking in darkness
No sense of direction
Giving me to wait for me to see
I was walking in darkness
No sense of direction til you came
Came in me to wait for me to see all of my affections
Walking in darkness without no sense of direction
No sense of direction til you came
Came in me to wait for me to see
I was walking in darkness without no sense of direction til you came
